If you want to help us continue developing games and other projects, you can donate currency.
To do this, create an account or connect to one at https://www.paypal.com and send to leviathan278@hotmail.com.
Alternatively, if you want to help for the long term, we have a Patreon account at http://www.patreon.com/user?u=207709, which allows you to pay on a monthly basis and get the privelage of accessing private builds of what we're working on, when ever we have new content of this type to release.
Applet (If Java is useable through your web browser):
Application (If Java is not useable through your web browser): Veridissimilitude
Programme: Sun Microsystems - Java - 1.4.1 1 Merlin.
Space - Long time: 17.631 megabits.
Input: Keyboard.
Output: Video and audio.
Output - Video - Width: 640 area elements.
Output - Video - Height: 480 area elements.
Keyboard - N: Change audio's state off or on.
Transversion, Menu, Encounter, and Encounter Ending
Keyboard - Enter: Move forward.
Menu and Encounter
Keyboard - Escape: Move backward.
Keyboard - Enter: To Transversion.
Keyboard - Escape: To Menu.
Keyboard - Left, Right, Down, or Up: Movement.
Keyboard - Enter: Begin an action.
Keyboard - Down or Up: Change option.
Keyboard - M: Change map's state off or on.
Keyboard - Escape: To Transversion.
Keyboard - Left, Right, Down, or Up: Change option.
Keyboard - P: Change game's state off or on.
Keyboard - Left, Right, Down, or Up: Change user's action option.
Keyboard - Left or Right: Change user's action's side and user options.
Encounter Ending
Keyboard - Enter: To Transversion.
Game Ending
Keyboard - Enter: To Game.
To contact me with your feedback so I know what you hate or love, or any problems you may find, do so via one of the following methods:
E-Mail: TheLeviathanEternal@GMail.Com
Discord: Levi#3917
Telegram: TheLeviathanEternal